The South St. Paul Open Foundation is a community based, volunteer group committed to supporting co-curricular activities. From the Arts to Athletics, the South St. Paul Open Foundation is commited to enhancing the experience available for students at South St. Paul Secondary.
Some activities that the SSP Open Foundation have helped to fund
Activities Banquet
New Oboe for Band
Craig Felton Press Box
Football Practice Jerseys
Hall of Fame
Baseball Hitting Tees, Screens and Turf Mats Dance Team Garment Bags
Swim Team Pace Clocks
Elementary Track Meet
Hudl Video Software for All Sports
Show Choir Copyright Fees
Boys & Girls Basketball Shooting Machines Uniforms
Mark Duffy, President
Scott Stengel, Treasurer
Event Coordinator
High School Liaison
Brady Krueger, Activities Director
School Board Liaison
Tim Felton
At-Large Board Members
Jamie Berchtold
Dan Williams
Joann Cudo
Lisa Duffy
Mike Rohrer
Erica Dwelle
Conrad Anderson
Scott Oelerking
Chad Sexauer
The South St. Paul Open started in 1974 as a fundraising group supporting athletics at South St. Paul Senior High. Today the focus has expanded to support all co-curricular activities and their parent-run booster clubs in South St. Paul Schools.
The SSP Open Board of Directors is made of community volunteers who have a passion and deep commitment to South St. Paul Public Schools and the co-curricular programs of this community.
In 2012, the organization became an officially IRS-recognized Foundation. Many people played integral roles to make this happen, but we would like to recognize and thank Jodee Paape and Ken Rohlf for their in-kind work with their incredible expertise to manage the tedious details.
The Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 8:00pm at the Croatian Hall. Meetings are open to the public. During these meetings, the Board reviews requests for funding from school district organizations, then organize and plan the fundraising events related to this group.
The Board is always looking for people interested in helping with our cause. If you or someone you knows has any interest in helping with this organization, please contact Mark Duffy at maduffy68@gmail.com
How does a South St. Paul Booster group join financial partnership with the South St. Paul Open Foundation?
South St. Paul Booster groups must first submit to the State of Minnesota for an Article of Incorporation that lists at a minimum a President, Treasurer, and Director.
The SSP Booster must then complete the Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement with the South St. Paul Open Foundation.
The SSP Booster group must provide to the SSP Open a copy of their meeting minutes designating individuals who will be able to deposit and request funds as well as request any financial reports from their specific account within the SSP Open Foundation. Booster groups must submit their minutes each time the designated individuals list changes.
See Booster Club FAQ document for step by step directions.
Please contact Mark Duffy at maduffy68@gmail.com with additional questions
Distinguished Recipients
The South St Paul Open Foundation Board recognizes individuals and groups that have made a significant contribution to South St. Paul and the co-curricular programs for the public schools. Either through time or financial support, these individuals and groups have committed significant personal resources to help the young people of our community over the years. They recognized the importance of the opportunities provided the young people of South St. Paul by these programs.
The South St. Paul Open places great importance on the impact an individual or a group can have on a community and that community’s youth. It is with great care and respect that we select an Honoree each year.
If you have an individual or group that you feel The Open should recognize, please feel free to email The Open Foundation and submit a nomination.
2023. Steve Doody
2022 2002 Girls Hockey Team
2021 Beaver Lick
2020 (none-covid)
2019 Vic Grabau
Gerry Gustafson
2018 Tom Dolby
2017 Paul Moen
2016 Phil Housley
2015 Bruce Baumann
Mayor Beth Baumann
2014 Tom Morris
Royce Morrissette​
2013 Dr. Dana Babbitt
2012 John Laliberte
2011 Kay Francis
2010 Bruce Ruecker
2009 Jim Metzen
2008 Harold “Red” Leonard
2007 David Glazier
2006 Susan O’Brien
2005 Pete Locke
2004 Doug Woog
2003 Jim Carter
2002 David Metzen
2001 Dale Schenian
Don Harris
2000 Worth & Mary Stiles
1999 Milton McMorrow
1979 Girls’ Track Team
Bremer Bank
1998 Wayne Otto
1997 James Lindell
1996 Jerry Reynolds
1995 South St. Paul Lions Club
Croatian Hall
1994 Donald “Whitey” Willer
1947 Hockey Team
1993 Pete Veldman
1992 Everett “Doc” Flom
1991 Charles “Lefty” Smith
1990 Al Belde
1989 Gallagher-Hansen VFW
1988 Bernard St. Peter
1987 Fred Jones
1986 Corinne Livengood
1985 Steve Silianoff
1984 Sam Ettinger
Fury Motors
The Ward Family
Tom Dolby
Bruce Nelson Plumbing
Duffy Homes Group
Mark Fignar
James Leary
Steve Doody, CFP of Edward Jones
Southview Country Club
Two Tree Creative
Archer Exteriors
Croatian Hall
G2 South Family Dentistry
Scott Stengel American Family Insurance
Twin Cities Foot & Ankle Clinic
Wold Architects and Engineers
Centennial Glass Company
Key Community Bank
Mathias Die Company
Safeway Bus Company
Sportsman Guide
SSP Federation of Teachers
Tennis Sanitation
Todd & Carrie Podgorski
Bob & Lisa Forbrook
Butch Moening, Jr.
Culligan Water
Dakota Electric
Jo Ann & William Miller
If you are interested in becoming a sponosr of the SSP Open, please contact Mark Duffy at maduffy68@gmail.com

PO Box 535
South St. Paul, MN 55075
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: