March 15, 2023 Minutes
Present: Mark and Lisa Duffy, Scott Stengel, Scott Oelerking, Jamie Berchtold, Chad Sexauer, Mike Rohrer, Erica Dwelle, Tim Felton, Conrad Anderson, Brady Krueger
REQUESTS: Volleyball (Coach Tyler and booster president present): 2nd net system (brand Bison), referee stand, padding, adapters (no cost), winch – 5282.50. Scott O. suggests 5,000, let boosters pick up the remainder. Scott O. moves, Scott S. seconds. Unanimous.
ITEMS DISCUSSED: SSP Open 2023 topics: Mark talked with Metzen regarding title sponsorships. Mailings to go out next week. Southview confirmed for this summer’s event.
Fall concert: time limit of 10pm, options becoming more complicated with airport/city ordinance limitations
Proposed meeting with Beth Skwira regarding Sharon’s position as SSP Open accountant
New officers: secretary position now open
Next proposed meeting: April 19th, 8pm at the Cro