March 2018 Minutes

Present: Scott Oelerking, JoAnn Cudo, Carrie Pietruszewski, Scott Stengel, Chad Sexauer,Erica Dwelle
NO REQUESTS per Chad Sexauer. He would be talking with winter coaches, and putting together a calendar of events.
Discussed Open sponsorship items, getting out letters, shoot for pledges and sponsorships by the June meeting. Talked about different title sponsors, adding back a happy hour, open gift (golf shirt with Open logo, pre-order with registration), dessert auction, gift card tree, and possibilities for the larger auction items. JoAnn Cudo to talk with Mayor Jimmy Francis about being the MC.
Important dates:
Plaque – April 1st
Honoree Bio and program – May 1st
Save the date – mid-April to mid-May
Honoree speakers – April 1st
sponsorship list division and letters – April meeting
giveaways – mid-May
setting up store for registration – May 1st
Booster club gift cards – June 1st
Open program printed – July 1st
Pricing: 180.00 for golf/lunch/dinner (200.00 after June 1st), 60.00 for dinner only
April meeting 4/18/18 at 8pm