March 2017 Minutes

South St. Paul Open Foundation
Minutes – March, 2017
Present: Scott Oelerking, Scott Stengel, Bob Forbook, Carrie Pietruszewski, Kristie Hood, Kevin Gellerman, Chad Sexauer, Dan Williams, Chandra Rohrer
Baseball voted and passed $3,000 for
Softball voted and passed $2,400 for fences at Kaposia Landing
Elementary track meet voted and passed $325 for bus costs and ribbons
Board Changes
Kris Nitti – Ann N
Pat McLaughlin – Scott O
Jamie Berchtold – Chad
Debbie Jerikovsky – Scott O
Erika Dwelle – Scott O
Sponsor Level/Signage
Jason Frankot presented proposed changes to the sponsor levels, including combining a few so there isn’t so many and there are greater differences between them.
Golf sponsorship is different from individual giving.
Jason re-working for next meeting.
Paul Moen
February Agenda (February 22):
Board member additions
Honoree update
Sponsor signage/levels